CloudState Hazy
Let’s be honest – my previous attempts at brewing a NEIPA have been lacklustre. That dense opacity has eluded me thus far. Has it been

Funky (or not) Saison
Cliché and significant understatement incoming – life has been BUSY. I know this is usual for this time of life – move around the country

Forte | Imperial NEIPA
Amidst a fairly heavy focus on mixed-fermentation beers, brewing the ideal NEIPA has become an unexpected side-project of mine. My first version, La Brume, was so

Abricot Ferme | Fresh-hop Apricot Sour
A brief post for a special beer. In March I brewed around 50 litres of fresh-hopped Pils, using solely hops grown at our home. A month

La Brume | NEIPA
Soft, fruity, pillowy, vibrant, New England IPAs. Seriously – what’s not to like? I’ll admit to a certain fascination with the style. Prior to becoming

La Maison | Fresh-hopped Pils
Spring of 2018 I excitedly planted my first hop rhizomes in the rather basic garden of our new home. Sadly, my first year’s crop was

Harvest Schwarzbier | Fresh-hopped Dark Lager
Month before last, I set out to brew a dark beer suitable for our upcoming summer wedding. Something digestible, relatively dry, and on the refreshing

East Meets West | Session IPA
After a number of months supping English bitters on hand-pull in the UK (nothing to complain about in my opinion), my brewing companion Dany was

WLP590 French Saison Ale review | Double Saison recipe
Saison is quickly becoming the style that I brew most. In the past 12 months I’ve brewed a ‘true-to-style’ version, a kettle-soured version, and a grisette (a close relation

Captain Cooker Clone | Mussel Inn
Diverging from recently funky exploits, last month I took a crack at brewing a clone beer for Beervana’s ‘Beat The Brewer‘ competition. Running for a

Dark Sour | Tasting Notes
Six weeks ago I put down my first double batch on the brew tree. Aside from a low efficiency, the brew day went well, producing

Winter’s Bounty | Coconut, Cacao, Vanilla Milk Stout
In times gone by, I was once an enormous fan of dark beers. Regardless of season, my beer of choice when living nearby Nelson’s first

Beer from the Brink | Brett and Spelt Grisette
With the weather turning cool here, I decided it was time to knock out my last saison-style beer for a few months. I’ve been starting

Sour & Funky | Kettle-soured Brett Saison
As all good beer snobs eventually do, I’ve taken a dive into the world of sour and funk. A deep, deep dive, to a depth

Czech Pils
There comes a time in every brewer’s life, where he (or she) decides it is time to brew their first pilsner. This moment is (or

Tilt Repeater (Beta) First Impressions | Tart Peach Cider
The past month or two has been a little light on the brewing front, as I’ve been working on completing my new brew tree, a

Hop To It | Hop Update #3
Having been planted in September, now on the 21st of February it would seem that the ideal time for harvesting these homegrown hops is rapidly

‘Tis the Saison
Saison – how to define the undefined? Prior to brewing my first rendition recently, I spent some time thinking back to my initial ideas of

Getting Back to Belgian | Tafelbier
Summer is in full-swing here, and my most recent brew – a Kölsch-style ale – has been going down a treat. Soon after brewing the German style,

Archer Ale | A Best Bitter
I’ve been remarkably lucky this year. Despite being outrageously busy with work, I’ve managed to meet a number of great people with similar interests. One

Summer Brews | Kölsch-style Ale
While travelling through Germany with Sophie last year, I spent a good portion of time with a stein in-hand. Time was short, though I was

Unleashing Safbrew BE-256 (Abbaye) | Belgian Blonde Update
Being a big fan of keeping my brew days as simple as possible, I’m a bit of a sucker for dry yeast. I think most

Hop To It | Hop Update #1
My word, how these Triffids do grow! Hop cultivation is certainly off to a stellar start, with beyond-belief Spring weather providing some excellent growing conditions.

Belgian Blonde Ale – First All-grain Batch
My first all-grain batch has been a long time coming. With my new malt mill arriving this week, nothing was standing in the way of

Hop To It | The hops are in!
Spring is in full bloom here in New Zealand, with every inch of my being screaming “PLANT HOPS”! Thankfully, my partner Sophie was similarly excited,

New Home, New Brews
So my partner and I bought a house! Having been subject to the rental market during and since Uni, we’re suuuper stoked to be in